Rakennustyöntekijöitä työskentelemässä rakennustyömaalla

Oletko oikeita töitä etsimässä? Lisäpalvelu löytää yrityksellesi oikeat tekijät.

Meillä on jatkuvasti töitä tarjolla eri puolella Suomea ja lukuisilla eri toimialoilla. Tutustu vapaisiin työpaikkoihin ja ota yhteyttä.

Henkilöstövuokraus on joustava tapa hankkia työvoimaa yrityksesi tarpeisiin. Lisäpalvelu on kokenut ja luotettava kumppani. Kuulumme henkilöstöpalveluyritysten liittoon (HPL).


We are a flexible player with a wide range of skills in industry

Through us, you can find workers and specialists for the different sectors of industry. We operate nationwide. Our personnel have themselves worked in supervisory positions in industry, so they recognize the client’s situations and needs.

We supply workers to various industrial facilities. Ask us for more information and take advantage of our expertise. You can rely on our years of experience to ensure wise resource management.

Teollisuusalan työntekijöitä operoimassa robottia

Partnerships lasting
throughout our history

Lisäpalvelu is known in Finnish industry. Many of our workers have been known to us for years and we have learned to place them in positions that are just right for them.

Puhdistamo yöllä

You can find the following
professionals on our lists:

  • welders
  • industrial process cleaners
  • scaffolders
  • fire and hatch guards
  • scaffolding supervisors
  • HSE supervisors
  • production workers

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Mies hitsaamassa hitsausmaski päässä

in numbers

over 50€ m.

Turnover 2023


Number of people we place per year



Personnel services for companies -
staff leasing and recruitment services

By outsourcing personnel and recruitment, you save time and money.

Read more about our services and contact us, and let's find out together how we can help your company in the field of personnel services.

Kollaasikuva, jossa eri alojen työntekijöitä

We have the right jobs available.

Find the right candidates for your company's personnel needs.

We always have jobs available. Contact us or submit an open application. We are your company's reliable personnel service partner. We do what we promise.